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Meet in my Dream
Beatiful Brutal Think
I've Never Seen Your Face
Vaudeville and Burlesque
What is Love
Trois Chansons de Bilitis
The Days of Pearly Spencer
My Hand Over My Heart
Remember when we were back in school
Two young kids with wild ideas
Years gone by we sweated and saved
For a cupboard with a view
Now too old for work they say
What's the point in biding time
Living out our yesterday
When wild ideas could all come true
We could settle into being old
But all that glitters could be gold
So meet me in my dream
I won't fall asleep without you
Meet me in my dream
Underneath the Vegas lights
Look around our shabby room
Paper peeling curtains frayed
Faded photos on the wall
Like us they've all seen better days
We drew our savings from the bank
For roulette wheels and reckless nights
Sinatra's records on our minds
Fruit machines and neon lights
We threw away our everything
And blew it on a final fling
So meet me in my dream
I won't fall asleep without you
Meet me in my dream
It's lonely here without you
Remember way beck then in school
All the things we said we'd do
So meet me in my dream
Underneath the Vegas lights
Meet me in my dream
Meet me in my dream
Meet me in my dream
Underneath the Vegas lights
Is a beautiful brutal thing
It sings at night like the wind
It stings your heart like a whip
It rocks your soul like a ship
And love
Is a beautiful brutal thing
It can mean everything
Or nothing at all
Such a feeling can make you tall
Or as small as a distant star
It's the cushion to break your fall
Love triumphs over all
Is a beautiful brutal thing
And it gives the sweetest of pain
It wakes your spirit and then
You feel like living again
And rain
Falls when you think the Sun
Has just begun
To shine above
And love
Is mysterious as it's old
It's the secret you've never told
It's the tears of sorrow and joy
For that girl or that boy
It makes you feel It makes you feel
It makes you feel
A beautiful brutal thing
And love
Is a beautiful brutal thing
It can mean everything
Or nothing at all
Such a feeling could make you tall
Or as small as a distant star
It's the cushion to break your fall
Love triumphs over all
It makes you feel
A beautiful brutal thing
Sometimes we touch
Sometimes we kiss
Sometimes we just look
In spiritual blis
s In warmth or heat
In sound or vision
We like to come
To some decision
Under the moon
In the dark
Down in the street
In the park
In threat of law
In sweat of fear
I'd risk it all
To have you near
I've never seen your face
But I'm loning for the time
When we don't have to hide
We'd swap phone numbers
But we'd never call
Of real excuses
We've none at all
Though good intentions
Are on our mind
We may not like
What we might find
We hold emotion
Well in check
No words of love
Just words of sex
So much to say
So much held back
We don't surrender
We just attack
Light the candle
Burn a fuse
It's now or never
Win or lose
To have and hold
To give and take
Through think or thin
Make or break
I've had my fill of ugly words
I've had my fill of lies
When the only truth or beauty now
Is deep within your thighs
The roses are in bloom my dear
I haven't any fear
That you'll love me
Like you did last year
Look at me
Do you see
A man against the world
But don't look at me
And see an unhappy man
With some powder and some paint
And the patience of a saint
I'm still here
My life's not over yet
I'm not up there on the shelf
I've found someone to love
Apart from just myself
I've had my fill of bitterness
I've had my fill of dirt
I've had enough of emptiness
I've had enough of hurt
I think we'll get the last laugh
If we don't break down and cry
And find the joke's
On you and I
Look at us
Do you see us in a burlesque show
Look at us are we in vaudeville
We've tasted every thrill
Every powder every pill
And we're still here
I've had enough of broken cups
I've had enough of scenes
Of other people's laughter
When we go through our routines
The lilies aren't in season
So I've no reason to fear
That you'll love me like you
Did last year
That you'll love me like you
Did last year
That you'll love me like you
Did last year
A winter morning in New York
Champagne wakes and checks the time
It's hard to keep a cup of coffee down
When there's so much on your mind
Kicks a cockroach cross the bedroom floor
Checks the mirror grabs some clothes
Waits for the aching to subside
Where to find it no one knows
And they say you're doing fine
They're just playing with your mind
And they never even know your name
But they all want you to shine
To glitter all the time
They all want a little taste of Champagne
Takes the subway early afternoon
Downtown to Eighth Avenue
To the Show Palace Theatre
Where Champagne bares all
In a low rent nude revue
In the darkness shadow people
Stare at Champagne glassy eyed
Takes the tips and imitates a smile
Waits for the aching to subside
Later in a room
On a little glass pipe
Sweet dreams to help him
Forget his life
He leans on the wall
Rolls back his eyes
And says to all the aching
And if one day I should become
A singer with a Spanish bum
Who sings for women of great virtue
I'd sing to them with a guitar
I borrowed from a coffee bar
Well, what you don't know doesn't hurt you
My name would be Antonio
And all my bridges I would burn
And when I gave them some they'd know
I'd expect something in return
I'd have to get drunk every night
And talk about virility
With some old grandmother
That might be decked out like a christmas tree
And no pink elephant I'd see
Though I'd be drunk as I could be
Still I would sing my song to me
About the time they called me "Jacky"
If I could be for only an hour
If I could be for an hour every day
If I could be for just one little hour
Cute in a stupid ass way
And if I joined the social whirl
Became procurer of young girls
Then I could have my own bordellos
My record would be number one
And I'd sell records by the ton
All sung by many other fellows
My name would then be handsome
Jack And I'd sell boats of opium
Whisky that came from Twickenham
Authentic queens And phony virgins
I'd have a bank on every finger
A finger in every country
And every country ruled by me
I'd still know where I'd want to be
Locked up inside my opium den
Surrounded by some china men
I'd sing the song that I sang then
About the time they called me "Jacky"
Now, tell me, wouldn't it be nice
That if one day in paradise
I'd sing for all the ladies up there
And they would sing along with me
And we be so happy there to be
Cos' down below is really nowhere
My name would then be "Jupiter"
Then I would know where I was going
Become all knowing
My beard so very long and flowing
If I could play deaf, dumb and blind
Because I pitied all mankind
And broke my heart to make things right
I know that every single night
When my angelic work was through
The angels and the Devil too
Could sing my childhood song to me
About the time they called me "Jacky"
Caught between two love affairs
I brush my teeth and comb my hair
My lonely neighbour called today
And asked me, has he gone away
I lied to her like I lied to him
I lie to myself about everything
Love, what is love?
Love, what is love?
Love is a time
Love is a place
Love is a season
Love is a case of love
Love is a time
Love is a place
Love is a season
Love is a case of love
And so my life repeats itself
Like rhythms in a drum machine
The one who was the one to come
And all of those who might have been
I cry for them like I cry for him
I cry to myself about everything
Love, what is love?
Love, what is love?
Love is a fever
Love is a dream
Sometimes so hard, it can make you scream
Love is a liar
Love can be cruel
Love is an icon, love is a jewel
They let you down
They leave you standing in the rain
They take the joy and leave the pain
Caught between two love affairs
Is it true that no one really cares
My lonely neighbour leaves today
And no one comes to take her place
I lied to her like I lied to him
Now they're gone can I lie about anything
What is love?
Love, what is love?
A tenement, a dirty street
Walked and worn by shoeless feet
Inside it's long and so complete
Watched by a shivering sun
Old eyes in a small child's face
Watching as the shadows race
Through walls and cracks and leave no trace
And daylight's brightness shuns
The days of Pearly Spencer
Ahh Ahh Ahh
The race is almost run
Nose pressed hard on frosted glass
Gazing as the swollen mass
On concrete fields where grows no grass
Stumbles blindly on
Iron trees smother the air
But withering they stand and stare
Through eyes that neither know nor care
Where the grass is gone
Pearly where's your milk white skin
What's that stubble on your chin
It's buried in the rot gut gin
You played and lost not won
You played a house that can't be beat
Now look your head's bowed in defeat
You walked too far along the street
Where only rats can run
(Chorus) (2x)
The race is almost run
A tenement, a dirty street
Remember worn and shoeless feet
Remember how you stood to beat
The way your life had gone
So Pearly don't you shed more tears
For those best forgotten years
Those tenements are memories
Of where you've risen from
Heaven is here
Each night when I should be asleep
I put on my cout
And I walk the streets
I spend these hours
Escaping from my dreams
Afraid of what I might see
Fear has no beginning no end
So I spend all my time
With you on my mind
I see visions of you
All my dreams coming true
And I fall to my knees at your beauty
My hand over my heart
A heard that's filled with love
A love that can lift the soul
Divine worship forever Amen
There are times spent in despair
That you won't believe me
So many times I've tried to tell you
But my courage deceives me
You have my whole world under your heel
No words on this earth
Can convey the way I feel
Heaven is here
Where I once feared to be
And I fall to my knees
At your beauty
My hand over my heart
A heard that's filled with love
A love that can lift the soul
Divine worship Forever Amen
I fall to my knees (2x)
You lift up my heart (2x)
Nothing so fine (2x)
As I'm gazing in awe
At your beauty
My hand over my heart
A heard that's filled with love
A love that can lift the soul
Divine worship forever Amen
And late each night
As I walk the streets
I pray for the day
I lay my heart at your feet
You lift up my heart (3x)
With your love