Things Can Only Get Better
We're not scared to lose it all
Security throw through the wall
Future dreams we have to realize
A thousand sceptic hands
Won't keep us from the things we plan
Unless we're clinging to the things we prize
And do you feel scared - I do
But I won't stop and falter
And if we threw it all away
Things can only get better
Wow wow wow oh, wow wow wow oh oh oh oh
Treating today as though it was
The last, the final show
Get to sixty and feel no regret
It may take a little time
A lonely path, an uphill climb
Success or failure will not alter it
And do you feel
Wow wow wow oh...
And do you feel...
Life in One Day
The old man said to me
Said don't always take life so seriously
Play the flute
And dance and sing your song
Try and enjoy the here and now
The future will take care of itself somehow
The grass is never greener over there
Time will wear away the stone
Gets the hereditary bone
Don't try to live your life in one day
Don't go speed your time away
Don't try to live your life in one day
Don't go speed your time away
The old man said to me
Said you can't change the world single-handedly
Raise a glass enjoy the scenery
Pretend the water is champagne
And fill my glass again and again
While the wolves are gathering round your door
Time will wear away the stone
Gets the hereditary bone
The old man said to me
Said don't always take life so seriously
Play the flute
And dance and sing your song
Try and enjoy the here and now
The future will take care of itself somehow
The grass is never greener over there
Time will wear away the stone
Gets the hereditary bone
I tried to live my life in one day
Don't go speed your time away
I bit off more than I can chew
Only so much you can do
Wolves are gathering round my door
Ask them in and invite some more
I tried to live my life in one day
Don't go speed your time away
Dream Into Action
Between every man there is a division
Nobody ever seems to get it right
Even between friends there is a long gap
One of them makes a mistake, there is a fight
Whatever you do you have the benefit of the doubt
Whatever I do please understand
Whatever we do let's make a pledge to put it right
So we can end the rule of the division
Putting the dream into action, into action
Putting the dream into action, into action
Whatever you like to do then let that be my pleasure
Whatever you like to say I'll try to understand
Whatever you do you have the benefit of the doubt
Whatever I do please understand
Whatever we do let's make a pledge to put it right
So we can end the rule of the division
Putting the dream into action into action
You are strong
We are strong
You feel it
We feel it
You are strong
We are strong
You are action
Putting the dream into action
No one is to Blame
You can look at the menu but you just can't eat
You can feel the cushions but you can't have a seat
You can dip your foot in the pool but you can't have a swim
You can feel the punishment but you can't commit the sin
And you want her and she wants you
We want everyone
And you want her and she wants you
No one, no one, no one ever is to blame
You can build a mansion but you just can't live in it
You're the fastest runner but you're not allowed to win
Some break the rules
And live to count the cost
The insecurity is the thing that won't get lost
And you want her and she wants you
We want everyone
And you want her and she wants you
No one, no one, no one ever is to blame
You can see the summit but you can't reach it
It's the last piece of the puzzle but you just can't make it fit
Doctor says you're cured but you still feel the pain
Aspirations in the clouds but your hopes go down the drain
And you want her and she wants you
We want everyone
And you want her and she wants you
No one, no one, no one ever is to blame
No one ever is to blame
No one ever is to blame
Look Mama
Honey, I think Audrey's a little mature for you
No I don't think she's mature I think she's nice
Hey mom when are we going
Look mama I Love you
But you gotta let me live my life
Look mama I Love you
But you gotta let me live my life
Don't wrap me up in cotton wool
You can't treat me like a fool
Anyway if I was, you gotta let me be one
OK give me your advice
It's not my fault if I can't be wise
Show me a person who hasn't been done
Look mama I Love you
But you gotta let me live my life
Look mama I Love you
But you gotta let me live my life
Don't try to stick your rules on me
I wasn't born as a carbon copy
I came out of you
But don't think that you own me
I have my respect for you
I won't try to change the things you do
Give me a break
Let me learn it my way
You think you know more than me
Experience hasn't set you free
Look mama I Love you
Look mama, look, look mama, look
Look mama I Love you
Loom mama, look, look mama, look
I gotta make my own mistakes
Why can't you treat me like a friend
Look mama I Love you
But you gotta let me live my life
Look mama I Love you
But you gotta let me live my life
Look mama I Love you
Look mama, look, look mama, look
Look mama, look
Assault and Battery
The lives were taken
For feasts at the table
A life of misery
Ending with a shock
Brutal murder (brutal murder)
All hands to the slaughter
Mass torture
All hands to the knife
And I can hear the screams
With the knife, the jolt, the wring
They must follow in our dreams
Carrying a twisted sting
Children's stories with their farmyard favourites
At the table in a different disguise
Don't talk to me of health
Or something someone else will do
We're talking about the act
Of taking life for me and you
And I hear their screams
He arrived on the scene
With no past and no future
He seemed to know your dreams
Replace tears with laughter
Street corner whispers
Would mention his name
Selfish? Benevolent?
What was his game
Some say he's perfect
Some say a spy
A hidden power
They all wonder why
The rumors mounted
But still no fact?
I need to find out
Some say perfect hidden power
We all wonder why
Questions unanswered
Suspicion alerted
I went round to his place
If felt quite deserted
I climbed the stairs to where
His body lay without motion
No spirit lives in there
The cord had been broken
His skin was reptile
No life in there
Not young not old
A long hollow glare
His breath had stopped
No hearts beat there
Is this a man
Should I believe hidden power
They all wondered why
My attention was caught
By a sound from the door
Panic gripped the mind
What lay in store
A being stared at me
Benevolent, not cold
Automaton - He is controlled
His skin was reptile.....
Automaton - No life in there
No past and no future
Is this a man
Automaton - No life in there
No past and not future
Is this a man
Is there a Difference?
Is there a difference between yes and no
Is there a difference between up and down
Must I fear what others fear
What nonsense
Some people are content
Enjoying things that belong to tradition
With the seasons they cast their lot
Without a question
Other men are clear and bright and solid
Other men are sharp and clever and jolly
And we go wo oh oh wo oh oh oh wo
Is there a difference between high and low
Is there a difference between then and now
Do we have to live in pain and fear
What nonsense
People are drifting like the waves on the sea
Without direction like the restless wind
Not knowing forward not knowing back
Just existing
Other men are strong and full of courage
Other men are witty and full of knowledge
And we go wo oh oh wo oh oh wo
Other men are clear and bright and solid
I alone am drifting on the sea
Other men are sharp and clever and jolly
Restless like the wind
And we go wo oh oh wo oh oh wo
Is there a difference
Is there really a difference
Yes and no
Is there a difference
Up and down
Is there a difference
High and low
Is there a difference
Then and now
Is there a difference
Yes and no
Is there a difference
Up and down
Is there a difference
Please don't look at me this way
I am from the same seed as you
Take me back to the womb
I am weary of this life
Don't believe in my eyes
Don't believe in my mind
Don't believe in right or wrong
Don't believe in cruel or kind
But all this talk is only poetry
Only as true as we would believe
We must live to fight the negative
Not to court the self in defeat oh oh oh oh
In defeat oh oh oh oh
Oh the pain of life is sweet
Is it wrong to long for death?
Must I cling to the thrills of life
Ash to ash and dust to dust
But all this talk is only poetry
Only as true as we would believe
We must live to fight the negative
Not court the self in defeat oh oh oh oh
In defeat oh oh oh oh
You have looked at me this way
We are all from the same seed
Take us forward through the tomb
There's no finish to a life
Don't chop off his head
To make yourself look tall
Don't tear a strip off
To make yourself feel wonderful
Who wants to compare
As if this was a competition
Leave that to teachers at school
Must preserve their tradition
'Bout time you realized
You are a specialty
There is no one like you
Spend your life worrying
'Bout what you could have been
Can't you like being you
Don't need a scalp
Don't need to be a juror
Take care of yourself
No need to feel so insecure
Waste of energy
To prove a holier than him
Waste of energy
To find out who commits what sin
'Bout time you realized
You are a specialty
There is no one like you
Spend your life worrying
'Bout what could have been
Can't you like being you
Don't chop off his head ...
'Bout time you realized ...
Why Look for the Key
And they made the secret pact
His knowledge would be tapped
The link was based on a respect
On their lives they would reflect
A perfect state of non-attachment
Was striven for and claimed as fact
The younger grew and learnt his lesson well
All his ideals were intact
Why look for the key in another
The answer lay in his own heart
Won't find yourself in some other
It always was there right at the start
But power it corrupted
That's where attachment starts
The power had erupted
The spell will crack
As each mental bond was broken
Strength grew in the young man's heart
What began as love not passion
Had left a seed in his heart
Why look for the key in another ...
Hunger for the Flesh
Spare a thought for the souls
Who cannot leave this earth
The attachments bind so tightly, not a chance
Not a chance of a new birth
The river gently beckons
But the answer is no
Gripping their illusions
They cannot let them go
Hunger for the flesh
Leads them to a weaker heart
Mortals who imprisoned themselves
Let them have a new start
Wishing to hold onto life and all its games
Singing their lament song
Holding back the change
They came here for to dance
To learn and not to cling
Holding onto life
As if it were the important thing
Hunger for the flesh
Hunger for security
Caught up in the mesh
Caught up for eternity
Hunger for the flesh
Hunger for security
Caught up in the mesh
Caught up for eternity
The river gently beckons
But the answer is no
Gripping their illusions
They cannot let them go
Hunger for the flesh
Leads them to a weaker heart
Mortals who imprison themselves
Let them have a new start
Let them have a new start
Hunger for the flesh
Hunger for security
Caught up in the mesh
Caught up for eternity
Hunger for the flesh
Hunger for security
Caught up in the mesh
Holding back the change
Bounce Right Back
I was walking down the street
With my old friend Luke
And the strangest thing we saw
There was a flash like dynamite
And we fell down to the floor
And as we looked up this weird dude stood
I guess he was standing about four feet five
With a nonchalance and a joie de vivre
His face was grinning from side to side
Well he said button up and tighten your lip
Keep a check on what you say
Those crazy words you fling from your mouth
Are going to bounce back on you some day
Now several years pass
I thought nothing more
It was down to a nine to five grind
I was shuffling round to my old friend's house
I had party on my mind
While chatting this chick
A guerilla muscled in
A brace of henchmen right behind
My blood boiled hard
I'll give you a piece of my mind
And this guy appeared by my side
Don't you know what he said
I was walking down the street with my old friend Luke
We were getting into a bit of a heavy scene
He say yes and I say no
He say what do you mean
I pulled my piece and he pulled his
We stared each other right in the eye
There was a flash like dynamite
And this guy appeared by our side
Like to Get to Know You Well
Like to get to know you well
Like to get to know you well
Like to get to know you well
So we can be one
We can be one together
Together we can cast away the fear
Together we can wipe away the tear
Together we can strip down the barriers
And be one
Don't wanna talk about the weather
Don't wanna talk about the news
Just wanna get to the real you inside
Don't you think now is the time
We should be feelin'
Just wanna simply say
Won't let you slip away
People wanna talk about the future
Don't wanna linger on the past
Just wanna reach to the real you inside
Forget cold glances and rejections
Leave the things that separate
Build on a trust that we can stand on
Finding all are insecure
Opening the same door
Leaving out a stubborn pride
Seeing from another side